• info@nimapartners.com
  • technicalsupport@nimapartners.com

Our Mission

NIMA Partners strives to make gluten-free living easier and safer so that everyone can enjoy a seat at the table.

Our Why

We do it because we know that following a strict a gluten-free diet is the only way to manage symptoms and promote healing.

We do it to help reduce over 200 physical and mental health symptoms that can occur as well as the onset of other auto-immune diseases, when Celiac Disease is not properly cared for and managed.


We do it for those newly diagnosed, overwhelmed and unsure of where and how to start.

We do it for those spending all of their time reading the labels, communicating the details, creating awareness and offering support to others.

We do it for those struggling to maintain social connections due to the fear and anxiety of dining out, the depression of having to give up traditional foods they love, and worrying about the “inconvenience” they may be causing at social events.

We do it to help reduce the emotional challenges of caregivers, the time and travel expense of searching for specialty food stores and gluten-free restaurant options.

We do it for the travelers and the explorers, the young and the old, near and far, every race and gender, the diagnosed and the gluten intolerant looking, and those more simply seeking a healthier lifestyle.

We do it to help build community, support and awareness.

We do it for everyone, everywhere.